And To All ... -
Written by Irual
Last updated: 01/02/2007 02:01:11 AM
Chapter 1
And To All . . .

Flames danced and flickered in the fireplace; A magnificent symphony and choral selection of Christmas music was playing in the background courtesy of Hank's collection of CD's. If it had been left up to Bobby the entire mansion would have been subjected to repeated selections from " The Crypt keeper's Creepy Ghoultide Christmas" All evening. Amazingly this seemed a rare break for the residents of the X Mansion. No Anti-Mutant demonstrations, No F.O.H rallies, even the Super Villain community seemed to have declared a day off. It seemed appropriate, after all it was Christmas Eve. All day Jean, Storm and surprisingly; Charles had been preparing various dishes. Nothing had burned or turned out wrong. Everyone had eaten a relaxing meal without fighting or arguing and no one was even out of sorts. Scott kept wondering when he was going to wake from this eerie vision of perfection. He watched with a bemused expression as Bishop and Gambit set up the 15-foot tree with Rogue hovering at the top adjusting the wire support and Storm stringing the top with lights.
"Chere." Gambit grimaced as he rubbed at the sticky sap in his hair," I still don' understan' why you wanted Remy to do dis, instead o' letting me whip you up some Louisiana style Christmas goodies."
Rogue laughed. An easy gentle laugh at odds with her usual tension filled relationship with the Cajun charmer.
" Ah now Sugah, not every meal has to be from the bayou to taste good. Besides, spending time picking out the tree was fun, wasn't it?"
Bishop snorted eloquently as Gambit's expression turned to a cocky grin. Scott made a mental note to send apologies and damage fees to Harry. Evidently sending Bishop along as the only chaperone for those two had been a mistake. He felt Jean's amused presence come up from the kitchen behind him
"Scott dear, stop being so serious, they were only gone a couple of hours and I just checked with Harry, everything is fine. They made it to the tree lot and back without a single hitch."
Scot felt his mood lighten and smiled .
"I know Jean, I just keep waiting for the other shoe to drop."
Charles came up to him and said gently. " Maybe you'd better wake up then Scott."
Scott Summers woke with a start surrounded by most of the rest of the current residents of the mansion. Hank was just taking a vial of smelling salts from under his nose.
"Well 'Oh fearless leader' you certainly gave us a scare." Hank lifted him from the floor and easily carried him to the couch where Jean laid his head carefully in her lap.
" Just rest here a while Scott, you don't seem to have a concussion, but better safe than sorry."
She stroked his hair out of his eyes and looked anxiously at Beast for conformation, who nodded and said.
"All to true Scott. Rest a bit and then we'll see about getting you up and about a bit later. Not to worry though Jean he seems to be shaking off the ill effects of this little mishap very well."
"What happened?" Scott managed groggily. To his surprise Bobby flushed scarlet and mumbled .
"Sorry Scott."
Rogue hovered in the middle of the foyer holding a 20-foot douglas fir in one hand and a startled Remy in the other.
"Merde! Scott! Chere put Gambit down eh?" Rogue eased the tree carefully into the living room. The weight of the tree was no problem, but the mass differences between her right and left handed burdens made balancing difficult. She advanced into the room.
" Ah hav'ta say somethin' first Sugah."
She set the tree on the floor and still carefully carrying Remy who was looking anxious and
uncomfortable with everyone else looking at him she went over to the hapless Drake.
"Robert Drake! What were you thinkin'! Or were ya?" She hovered about a foot away from him trapping him in the hearth of the living room fireplace. He tried to say something in his defense but before he could say anything Remy spoke quietly, twisting out of his trench coat and dropping to the floor with only a shadow of his usual energy and grace.
" Non chere, Don' be blaming Drake. He didn't mean to hurt Scott, Jus' me." He moved past the now white faced Bobby . Rogue dropped the coat onto Drake's head and started after Remy with a determined look in her eyes only to pause as Jean spoke quietly.
" Remy please, stay. " Scott struggled to a sitting position and added.
" It was an accident. You know it, I know it and my head knows it. Tell me what happened? The last thing I remember was seeing the tree, and then not being able to move."
Beast grimaced. Wolverine snorted and spoke from the library doorway. "When you are hit by
the top of a 20-foot tree, slim, it's pretty difficult to move. I'll grant ya that."
" Bobby stuttered, "Gambit was looking kinda tense and I just wanted to lighten him up, I didn't think that the tree would move so much once he let go Scott, I'm really sorry." He moved off of the hearthstone and extended a hand to Remy. " I just wanted to make you slide a little, I didn't mean any harm. Honest, I thought you'd end up on your butt, not Scott. It was a joke."
Charles' gentle mind touch from the kitchen startled Gambit so much he nearly jerked before
catching himself and even though he remained outwardly still he remained off balance mentally.
" The ball is in your court Remy. If you want, you can take this as an insult, but Robert was including you in his pranking. Admittedly, he could have used better judgement; But he thinks of you as one of us. As do I., I know that this is a difficult time, and you are still uncertain, but give us and yourself a chance."
Colossus placed the tree in its stand and Kitty cut the cords binding the branches to the trunk.
"Oh Wolvie. It's Beautiful!" Even though she was Jewish, the tree was definitely one of her favorite non-Jewish traditions. She smiled to herself as she thought back to the Menorah and 9 packages she had found beside her door at the beginning of Hanukkah. Even though most of the Mansion was still in a state of disrepair and money was tight she had received those little gifts from several different X men ... One from Jean, one from Ororo, one from Rogue, Charles and Nightcrawler had given her 2 and Wolvie had given her 2 but the other
one was a mystery. She had opened one a night for each day of the celebration, and was putting
the other one under the tree after it was decorated.
"If you say so Kitty." Wolverine stalked into the room and slapped Gambit on the shoulder. " So Gumbo, you going to brood yourself into a corner again and leave us guessing?"
The challenge in Logan's eyes was unmistakable. Remy straightened visibly the anxiety and
stress in his expression faded.
"Non, Mes Amies Remy learned dat lesson wit de mist t'ing eh?"
Rogue landed beside him and grimaced with distaste landing beside him and blowing Hank a kiss.
" Ah'm so glad you found a way to tell us about that so we could help you Sugah.
She flinched mentally at the memory of his pain and hers when they had pulled that creature from him. Even using her absorption powers and the containment unit borrowed from the Avengers it had been touch and go for all too long, She privately suspected that he was still not fully recovered.
"Come on Remy, you and Kurt can help me get the decorations from the attic."
Her thoughts continued on this new path. My Goodness, it sure was nice of Jarvis to send all these decorations from the Avengers mansion. When Beast contacted them about needing Vision's help containing that terrible parasitic mist because Bastion and Operation Zero Tolerance had stripped the Mansion: he certainly came through with more than we expected. I wonder what they will decide to do with that creature? Well as long as Remy's safe I really don't care. Kurt smiled winningly.
"Of course Rogue. It is always a pleasure to assist a lovely Fraulein, especially you."
He bowed gallantly from the waist and slyly tapped Gambit on the shoulder from behind with his tail. Gambits' spacial awareness warned him of the contact. Much to Kurt's pleased surprise though; this time he didn't flinch away. All three of them began to lug boxes and parcels from the attic and soon the living room closely resembled a war zone, or Jubilee's room. There were strings of lights strung out along the newly laid carpet. Tinsel,decorations and packages addressed to Xavier Institute and even the X men themselves were stacked haphazardly around the whole first floor. Charles watched contentedly from the kitchen as Psylocke and Angel arrived with several stacks of gaily wrapped packages. Good-natured banter flew about the room as the Mansion was transformed from it's rough-unfinished look to a warm wonderland. The much subdued Iceman was singing Christmas carols along with Hank in an attempt to 'improve' the lyrics. Exasperation and affection vied with each other in Beast's voice as he finally said:
"Very well Robert. I shall concede the field to you on the condition that you accurately relate the Christmas Story this evening after dinner. It is after all one of my most treasured traditions and the real reason for this Celebration." Robert paused in his clowning and with unwarranted seriousness replied.
" Why Hank, old buddy. I would NEVER attempt to take your place for such an auspicious occasion. I know I could never relay the true Christmas spirit the way you do. I insist that you do the honors this evening. I have several important errands to run this afternoon anyway." He pulled on his coat and hat and left whistling cheerfully off key 'Grandma got run over by a Reindeer.'
Several chaotic hours later the tree was resplendent with twinkling glory. A huge fire crackled cheerfully in the fireplace and a fine Holiday feast was just about to be served when Drake returned with several mysterious packages which he placed under the tree joining the ones placed there earlier by the other X men. Everyone was seated around the living room since they no longer had a formal dining room table and just before they ate their rare meal together; Kurt stood and spoke with a dignity and conviction that brought an expectant silence to the room.
" Mien Friends often at this time of year the true meaning of the season is lost in all the other traditions that we all enjoy. I would like to offer thanks though for all of us... . Whether we are longtime members of this family, or new-comers. I say thank you Lord God for all of us here tonight and all those we love who are not here. Please watch over us all and help us to remember the hope that you gave us when your Son came from heaven to be offered in our place on the cross. I ask that those who are hurt can find healing and those who are sad find peace if only for this one night in honor of you Oh Lord God. Amen Now then...Lets Eat!"
Of one accord people all around the room seemed to snap out of the trance they had been in while listening to Nightcrawler and dug into the food with gusto. In spite of the usual banter around the room Charles was all too aware of the tension and stress that filled his X Men. He sighed to himself knowing that he was in fact a source of some of the stress in their determined celebrating. Marrow was staring hostilely from the staircase at the rest of the X Men. Rogue came to her offering a plate filled with turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and green
beans .
"Here ya go Sugah. " Marrow started to speak but instead took the plate with ill-grace.
"Why are you so stupid? You left that traitor to DIE! Yet he shows up and you act as if you LOVE him? " The sneer in her voice was at odds with the confusion in her eyes. Fortunately Rogue saw that and sighed.
" Ah really don't think Ah owe you another explanation Marrow; But Ah told ya.When Ah absorbed Remy in Antarctica, his feelings were so strong Ah couldn't shake them off right away. He felt there was no place for him with me or with the X Men. Ah NEVAH felt that way. Ah love Gambit and Ah intend ta help him heal and hopefully Ah'll help mahself too. It's Christmas eve and Ah don't want to fight. But you jus' keep youah hostility to youahself tonight!"
After dinner everyone opened gifts, many of them from the Avengers for the mansion. Things like dishes, blankets even small furnishings like storage units and an entertainment center courtesy of Wasp and Giant Man. Combined with the other things Jarvis had sent openly the mansion would at least be a bit less threadbare. Clothes and small homey touches were among the common gifts that everyone exchanged to help make the Mansion seem like home again. Much to Gambit's surprise and pleasure several of the gifts were for him; Stormy, Rogue, The Professor and to his shock Scott and Jean had all made it plain that they considered
him home. From Bobby, had come a most unusual and touching gift, for Hank. A limited edition King James Version Bible and A Santa hat so he could read the Christmas story in style to all. Which he proceeded to do with much applause afterwards. Eggnog and baked goods were handed out to all as Carols were sung with the help of a piano that had been delivered for the Professor from Emma Frost and The Gen X kids as well as a 'seasonal' video they had recorded at Jubilee's insistence and sent along, To help Wolvie get into the spirit. And to everyone's surprise, he actually was seen to crack a smile as Jubilee sang and clowned on the Video and generally embarrassed everyone at the Massachusetts Academy except for herself of course. Everyone went to bed around Midnight. Surprisingly it had been Gambit the perpetual night haunt that had insisted, saying.
"Well Mes Amies, if we don' get to bed, Ole St. Nick won' even leave some coal to warm our toes eh?"
Since Warren and Logan had consumed the last of the alcohol a few minutes before everyone went upstairs with only a slight sense that it was unusual for them all to be a bed so swiftly. Remy grinned to himself as he bid his Stormy good-night and turned to go to his room. When he reached it he found to his shock Rogue was sitting on his bed.
"Chere, What are you.... ?"
She stopped him by moving towards him and placing a gloved finger on his lips.
"Hush Sugah. Ah got something for ya that Ah wanted ta give ya before Ah went ta bed."
She removed a small package from behind her back and offered it with a shy smile. Remy opened it with trembling hands. Nested in the small box was a white card folded over, he picked it up and read the inscription: Remy, you are the man I love. I wish with all my heart that I could find a way to show you that you are so much more than you feel you are. I can only hope this small token helps . He noticed then, underneath the card was a plain band of white gold . He took it out and saw that on the inside was inscribed a delicate word; a name... He looked at Rogue in shock as he realized that she had given him a secret that she didn't willingly share with anyone else at the mansion. Her real name. Without another word he placed it carefully on his right ring finger. They sat quietly for some minutes watching the stars outside
his window then Rogue noticed the line of delivery trucks waiting at the gate.
"What in tar-nation is all that? "
"Its not'ing Rogue jus' a few deliveries."
He left the room then. She watched from his window as the trucks delivered packages, crates and boxes of all sizes and shapes then left. Surprisingly no one appeared to wake in spite of the fact that it had taken at least an hour to unload all the packages and at least a dozen workmen had gone in and out of the front door and one of the side entrances as well. Rogue was far from stupid and realized that Remy must have disconnected the security system, but then since he was the one who had not only provided it, but had it installed; that was hardly the chore it would have been with the Shiar technology they had lost although she suspected that it would have made only a little difference if they had still had all that. She knew Hank in particular missed the advanced technology for his research. All of which had been stolen except for the copies he had sent to Muir Island a few weeks before operation Zero Tolerance had taken over their lives. She shivered thinking of how they had been in space fighting the Phalanx for Lillandria while their world had gone insane from an entirely
different but even more deadly threat. She went quietly downstairs to the living room and saw to her shock that Logan had pinned Gambit against the doorway to the kitchen and looked as if he was seriously considering hurting the Cajun. She started forward but Remy's voice stopped her. The quiet conviction and hurt in it held her motionless at the bottom of the stairs.
" Well Logan, what's it going to be? Either you trus' Remy or you don'. I tol' you I didn' use any powers or anyt'ing to convince everyone to go to bed. An' I also tol ' you dat all dis stuff is sent dis way so dat everyone can accept it without knowing I had anyt'ing to do wit' it. If Warren or Bobby or Marrow Know dat dis stuff is cause O' me you know what day will say and do as well as I do."
Wolverine stepped back a pace and then said quietly.
"You may be right about how some of the others will react at first Gambit. But... Aww
Hell! You just had to go and be secretive again."Logan stopped and took a deep breath. " You
smell honest anyway."
" That is out of line isn't it Logan? " Came the quiet voice of the Professor from his
study. "Besides, I am the one who influenced the house to retire so Remy could do this. And Yes
you are right to think it dishonest of me in a small way. However, You notice that most are
awake and doing what they chose in spite of the suggestion I offered to leave the downstairs area for the night.And yes, I knew he planned something like this several hours ago, Honestly though, Remy this seems a bit excessive doesn't it?"
He gestured to the large crates and equipment boxes stacked all around the living room and foyer. Many were marked as Medical equipment, Electronics, Computers and other expensive, hard to find and/or acquire
items. Some boxes even had foreign labels and looked to contain plants and seeds as well as clothes from Paris and London design houses. These had been signed for by Remy before being left stacked around the room. Those were the ones Gambit was removing the invoices from as the professor spoke.
"Maybe so Professor. But a lot of dis stuff is useful for everyone an' it didn't cos' me so much. Dere are a lot o' people who owe Remy for favors here an' dere. After all Tis de Season to be givin' Right?"
The professor smiled wryly and said .
" It's much appreciated then; And in accordance with your wishes, I will tell no one about your involvement. I think now would be a good time for me to retire for the night though."
Charles smiled at Rogue and closed the door to his study firmly to give the two of them privacy. Wolverine snorted and said .
"I guess I was out of line Gumbo. " He glanced at Rogue and then smirked. "You two crazy kids behave yourselves now".
Rogue came up behind Remy and said quietly. "Of course it is Sugah, I can think of one thing I want for Christmas that I didn't get."
She pulled him toward the fireplace which still had glowing embers and placed a log on the fire. Then seated herself on the couch patting the seat beside her with a smile.
" Sit with me a while and let's start Christmas day right. What do ya say?"
Remy sat beside her and patted a pocket absently.
"Den I guess you don' want dis huh?" He handed her a small square box and gave her a smile that was almost his old confidant, cocky grin. She stared at the package for a moment and then tore open the wrapping to find an exquisite shimmering crystal on a chain that glowed faintly in the firelight.
" Oh Mah Gawd!" Rogue breathed."It's Beautiful."
It was at least an inch across and the setting appeared to be platinum.
"It's not as beautiful as you Chere." Remy helped her with the clasp and confessed carefully. " When I had dis made for you, I wasn't sure you'd want anyt'ing from me but I couldn't resist, not when I polished it up an' saw how it shone wit' fire inside, jus' like you."
Rogue looked at him in surprise and asked.
" Where did you get this Remy?" He smiled and admitted. "South Africa de same time as I was choosing some o' de plants fer Stormy." She Gaped at him and realized that the stone around her neck had to be one of the biggest diamonds she had ever seen. His smile turned bitter for a moment as he added.
"Don' be worrying Chere. It's honestly gotten. I would never steal a present I meant for you. One of the diamond cartels owes me a lot more dan jus' dis one bauble." She sighed and placed a gloved hand over his lips kissing him through her protective gloves.
" You forget Cajun, Ah'm no angel an' Ah don't expect you ta be a Saint, It 's wonderful Just like you." They snuggled together on the couch for at least two hours.
Falling asleep only to wake as the unmistakable strains of ' the 12 things at Christmas that are such a pain to me' at what might be charitably called dawn echoed from the direction of Robert's room and a loud crash announced that a certain Russian was not amused.
" Comrade Drake if you do not cease this at once I will be forced to take drastic measures!"
"I thought you did that last night with the vodka Pete!" Quipped an unrepentant Robert just a step ahead of the thundering horde of X men who had given up on sleep and were now in pursuit of the proverbial prankster. As everyone took in the state of the downstairs though Drake was forgotten. Hank openly wept at the medical equipment and Kitty was beside herself at the Computer system which she was enthusiastically opening. Betsy and Jean were examining the fashions and Warren was drooling as he opened the boxes containing sporting equipment. He held up a fishing pole to Scott and smiled as he offered to catch a bigger fish than a certain Summers. Scott was however speaking urgently to the Professor who smiled and said.
"Not to worry Scott. Consider all this a gift from a certain Santa's helper. Gambit, This appears to be for you." Surprised Remy got up and went over to the Professor who handed him an apron that said 'Kiss de Cook' .
"I guess dat's Remy's cue to make some Breakfast eh?"
" Only if we all want to eat Cayenne pepper and Crawfish for breakfast." Laughed Jean.
She kissed Scott on the way to the kitchen and said, "I'll help you Remy the sooner we eat the better."
As the day progressed, the X men realized that it had been nearly two days and no one had attacked them truly a Christmas miracle if ever they heard of one. And on that note... Merry Christmas to all and well... You know the rest! *wink*