In in Another Life -
Written by Iruku Tenshi
Last updated: 01/02/2007 02:01:11 AM
Chapter 1
A young girl, maybe 15 years of age, sat before the computer, online of course, waiting for her mother. Their mansion was very large, and they had many utilities to keep herself and her half brother, Kurt, busy. But today she felt like relaxing after a stressful day at her private high school.
Of course, she had nothing better to do, seeing as how Kurt was hanging out with his usual buddies and wanted nothing to do with his younger sister. And her favorite television show, the only thing that had interested her in fact, was just not real to her anymore.
She knew that the X-men did actually exist, and that mutants did too, hell, she was one of those fabled “mutants”! But knowing that it wasn’t all in someone’s head, the fact that all the trouble the X-men face could really happen, not to mention some time soon, was just too stressful for a young teen such as herself to deal with. It wasn’t going to kill her if she didn’t watch them. She had no intention of being a super hero.
Her light, layered, chestnut hair fell slightly past her shoulders as she sat, typing away to some stranger she had never met. Her clear, green eyes, catching a glint of the sunlight that lighted her keyboard, fingers moving swiftly across it. Pale skin that was obviously slightly too sheltered from the sun blushed brightly in her cheeks, her internet-buddy flattering her in a way that only he could do.
As she paused to pull back her silky, yet somehow unmanageable hair from her eyes, white streaks falling from her long grown-out bangs as she did so. She yawned, naturally full lips parting slightly to gather the much-appreciated air. The need to hear her own voice, to shatter the silence, was unbearable as she let a small giggle escape her unpainted mouth.
Alone in a huge house and she was just sitting there, talking to a complete stranger that she hardly knew. Why? When she could’ve been exercising to loose those unwanted extra pounds that all teenage girls worried about? A sigh of relief as she just convinced herself that she would do it later, maybe with her foster mother.
After all, come the next day of school, she would have the whole summer to worry. Even when she and her mother went away on a three-week vacation to New Orleans, all the way down in humid Louisiana. She couldn’t wait. A Kurt-free vacation! Just them girls! She laughed thinking of all the fun they’d have. Maybe she’d even get to meet her online buddy, he was currently living in New Orleans. Maybe if they did meet up he could show her around!
At this thought, she decided to do just that. Her fingers flickering away at a speed that only a person with much practice with the computer would have. Typing to reveal to him that she had a secret that she would tell him in about two weeks. This would be fun! She would get to surprise her new friend by meeting him, but only after about one week of her three-week vacation. She would, after all, like to spend some time with her foster-mother.
She signed off reluctantly, ready and waiting for her mother to return. Goodness knew that she wanted desperately to go on a small shopping spree for her little excursion. She, of course, wasn’t allowed to go out onto the streets of Mississippi by herself. The teenager swore at the thought of how overprotective her mother was, and, unfortunately for her, just as her mother entered the room.
“Kristine Nicole Darkholme! Did I just hear you swear???” Her mother’s voice came quite angrily and surprised, even considering her daughter’s age. Kristine shrunk into her chair, computer just shutting down behind her.
“Umm… No?” Her tiny voice was obviously intimidated. Shaking her head, Raven decided to let it slide this time. Slowly shifting out of her normal form, as a dark haired, fair skinned, purple-eyed young woman and into her natural form, as what some would call a demonic.
More proof of mutants. Raven Darkholme, although a very powerful government official, was beautiful in whatever form she acquired. Her ability allowed her to change her form. But Raven would always be the woman who’s hair was a fiery red-orange and skin was a nicely contrasting deep blue. She was the woman that Kris loved more than anything else in the world.
A soft smile crossed her soft lips. How could she stay mad at her beautiful daughter? There was too much to be proud of. “Where’s Kurt? He said he’d be home by 6, and his promise will soon be broken if he does not get here within the next few minutes.”
“Ah haven’t seen him all day, Momma.” How did her mother manage to keep off the southern accent that only she couldn’t avoid. Not even Kurt or Irene had acquired it! But Kris supposed that it was from having been the only one in her whole family who had lived here all her life.
Kris had only been to New York once, and that was when Raven had still lived there. Kris liked to think that she moved to Mississippi because she didn’t want to take Kris away from where she grew up.
“Well, sweetie, what would you like to do while we wait for him? Maybe work on controlling you powers? Irene says you will achieve considerable control very soon.” A wide, gleaming smile from her daughter was all Raven needed as an answer. “Well, then lets go to the gym where we can work together easily.” Kris stood quickly, and in her haste, nearly pulled Raven’s arm out of its socket as she dragged her to the gym!
“So, where did we leave off yesterday?” A common question that Raven always knew the answer to, yet still asked anyways.
“Well,” began her lovely daughter’s answer, “Ah think you were gonna le’me touch you today…” Kris’s eyes were off to the side and pointed to the ground. She was nervously shuffling her feet as her next words came to her lips, “But if you don’t think Ah’m ready, then Ah understand…” she trailed off. A test that Raven always past as her reply came quite clearly.
“Don’t you worry, Kris, your powers will soon no longer be rogue, and then you can touch whoever you want, whenever you want.” A cheery smile helped bring up the girl’s confidence as her words gave her courage.
Raven stuck out her left hand towards Kris. Kris looked at the gesture, and still seemed rather nervous, but still she striped off a glove from her right hand and shook Raven’s. A swirl of energy began to travel up Kris’s arm and into her mind, giving her a high.
She tried to push the thoughts, emotions, memories, back, but to no use. Raven fell to the floor within seconds of contact with her beloved daughter. Kris on the other hand, seemed to have lost herself in Raven’s mind. Eyes glazed over as she seemed unable to move, her face paler than usual.
An encompassing love for her brother and herself, as if she wasn’t herself, surrounded her. Government knowledge that certainly wasn’t meant for a 15 year-old girl to know flooded her exhausted brain. Memories. So many memories! The false anger forced up in order to be fair in punishment. So much love. All overwhelming. Kris fainted.
As her eyes fluttered open, green meeting a glowing yellow, Kris was completely unaware of her surroundings. Kurt. Her brother. He must have been worried. But where was Raven? Was Raven all right?
She tried to sit up, the rush of blood to her head made the room spin, so she lay back down. “Momma…?” was all her lips could form as her dazed mind disagreed with any type of movement.
Kurt moved his lips, but Kris could no longer hear. Her mind was too busy with much more important things. She closed her eyes, fingers rubbing firmly against her temples. The clear sound of his German-accented voice asking if she was ok was slush to her ears.
What would make her feel better? Maybe a nice nap? Or dinner? None of Kris’s loving brother’s words made sense to her as she drifted farther from conscious thought. Intensely green eyes closed as she drifted to the hideaway in her mind. Nothing but the crick in her neck and the ache in her head was left to her slumped form.

A young man pulled out a cigarette to calm his nerves. Marriage was a lot for one man to deal with, and considering how this certain young man was only 17; it was quite a big deal. But he loved that blonde beauty. Belle.
His bangs falling into his burning eyes, a soft glimmer of red light illuminating his acute night vision as his thoughts drifted from Belle to his new friend online. A surprise? What type of surprise? He shook his head, mind tired of thinking so intensely. Hours had gone by and he hadn’t even realized it.
Could a girl actually have so much influence over him? No. Two girls. He hadn’t even realized it until now. One, he would marry in a few months. The other… Well. The other he had never formally met.
Only a week ago had he come across her. But she just had a spark about her that he envied. He actually enjoyed this person’s personality. Something about how she talked, or wrote rather. How she acted. Somehow it was just so childish, yet refreshingly mature. He did not understand how that was possible. He just knew that that was how to describe it.
And now she had a surprise? Just for him? Goodness this girl certainly was friendly! Oh well. The young man sighed, too many troubles on his mind. It was too late in the night for him to be bothered with such silliness as any other girl but his Belladonna; it could get him in trouble with his future wife if he continued to.

Eyes deeper and far more beautiful than the loveliest of emeralds to ever grace this Earth took in all they could of New Orleans. White framed a face that could easily put the most charming woman to shame. Soft, creamy skin picking up the likeness of the most exquisite powder ever formed by man as flushed lips gasped in awe. Onlookers starred, wondering if the angel they saw was real.
Her young, slender body was covered with nothing but a soft, forest green tank top and paled, jeans shorts. She lugged a somewhat large, bag around as she stepped off the plane, into the light of mid-afternoon. Her bag obviously had things that would keep her busy during her short flight, but would most likely serve no further use until she returned to her home. The deep green, near black bag would be forgotten during the next three weeks.
A slightly taller, older woman soon followed the vision. Locks of dark hair dangled slightly around her shoulders from a loose bun, or what was left of it at least. A business expression tried to hide the untamed brilliance of her eyes, but to no avail. It seemed nothing could hide such a most beautiful shade of violet.
Contrary to her companion’s lovely ensemble, the older woman wore a slightly classy business suit, a skirt that reached her knees, flaunting a brilliant shade of lavender, bringing out her eyes even more so. Her strict appearance was daunted by the soft smile on her lips and the bright sparkle in her eyes.
As her head turned quickly to and fro in excite, Kris and her mother, Raven, stepped off the plane. Two perfect forms now graced the presence of New Orleans, Louisiana and near to all that passed stopped to take in the wondrously magnificent creatures.
Exquisite features danced in the sunlight as a young, beautiful woman stepped into view, a simple, ankle length dress cascading around her long legs. Hardly able to make out what color it was, the young man that awaited her by the small grove of trees the woman was approaching liked it very much.
Hungry eyes scanned her body carefully. He was glad that this woman was his. Short, blonde curls traveled down to her shoulders lightly, eyes of a deep lavender that were filled to the brim with lust. A wicked smile crossed her eyes as the young man stealthily walked up to her, not a sound escaping his movements as he bowed to her.
She put out a hand and he took it, gratefully kissing it in welcome. As he looked up his eyes shot a fiery passion into the air, red putting out a loving desire on the black background. This was his Belle, his Beauty.
Honey escaped the lovely woman’s lips in the form of words. Rich and sweet as they oozed over his name, “Remy.” A handsome smirk crossed his lips as he starred at her.
“Oui, chere?” his voice was soft, calm, enchanting. She smiled back at him full lips quivering in satisfaction and desire.
“I’ve been waitin’ to see ya for awhile now, chere. I missed you.” Her honey suckle voice barely a whisper as they drew closer together. They smiled at each other, gladly awaiting the kiss that they would soon share.
“I know, petite. I been missin’ you too.” His husky voice breathed down onto her lips. They wrapped their arms around each other and embraced into their sweet kiss, all worries forgotten in their moment together.
As the pair released their embrace reluctantly, a stout figure called to them and waved an arm, motioning for them to come to the nearby semi-castle, where the ball that took place in honor of their engagement was currently being held. A party between life long enemies: the Thieves and Assassins.

As a woman and obviously her young teenage daughter stepped into the hotel a gasp of awe was sounded from the girl. “Wow momma. Ah’ve never seen a place this fancy b’fore!” Her full, dark lashes closed over her eyes as she looked around the large seemingly ball room slowly.
The other woman smiled proudly down at the girl of 15. “Only the best, Kris.” She signaled regally to the doorman to follow her as she and her daughter walked to the splendid front desk.
“May I help you, madam?” The man looked like the doorman, just slightly classier. His recovery in seeing the two most beautiful women in his life was quick, to his relief.
But still, his brow furrowed in awe, as he starred at the two, much to the older one’s delight. The other young lady couldn’t have noticed had he been a fly and landed right inside of one of those huge sparkling eyes of hers.
A smile flickered on the young girl’s lips as she starred at the room happily. Her gaze didn’t seem like she’d seen any thing less, but it seemed the glass that the room seemed to be made of that captured her attention. She quickly strayed from her mother and walked around in complete awe and wonderment.
“May I take y’ to your suite, mademoiselle? What is y’ room numbe’?” A young, Cajun voice sounded at Kris’s ears as she slowly turned to see a handsome young man only a few years older than her. He stood tall with dirty blonde hair kept unwillingly under a laughable bellboy’s hat, costume fitting his minor station very well.
Although his maroon-colored jacket with gold-painted buttons and trimming with matching black pants were embarrassing, the boy didn’t seem to care. In fact he looked quite at home, what with his slightly buff chest sticking out proudly, his smile agreeing with the illusion. His blue eyes seemed to show nothing but a bright display of pride and accomplishment.
Kris smiled with a nod and looked sweetly and instructionally to her mother, who was currently knocking the price off of their stay by flirting casually with the deskman. The bellboy nodded in understanding and walked up to the deskman and asked for the room number, saving the poor fellow from embarrassment and loosing his job for allowing two women to stay in two of their finest suites for free.
The bellboy grabbed a gold-colored baggage-rack, quickly putting the luggage onto it and headed quietly toward a cluster of fancy elevators.

“Ladies and gen’lemen, of bot’ de T’ieves an’ Assassins Guilds, welcome t’de first party celebrating the soon union of our guilds, and our chil’ren, my son, Remy LeBeau, heir to de T’ieves Guild, and Belladonna Boudreaux, secon’ in line t’de Assassins Guild. Let us all hope dat dis union will bring us all joy!” A wide grin formed at the corners of the man, Jean-Luc LeBeau’s lips.
Remy and Belladonna turned, hand in hand, to the applauding crowd. This would be an exciting gathering that would last until midnight that night.
In a ballroom that could put the finest and fanciest hotel or mansion- or even castle!- to shame, a great chandelier hung in the center of the room, it’s light massive enough to fill the gigantic room full of guests. Lovely stories told in art ran across the walls, telling stories of the greatest leaders of the Thieves Guild. Scenes of the tithe and marriage danced across the ceiling.
Huge windows were at the end of the room, facing out. They were riddled with intricate designs in the glass, making the room shine in the now rising moonlight. All was merry in the room, assassins and thieves alike. This would be the wedding of the century, destined to be remembered for many years to come.

As Kris followed her mother into the room, she was awestruck once again. The suite was absolutely the largest hotel room she had ever seen! And it was all hers! Kris was so excited that she let out a small, gleeful giggle. Raven, her mother, would be in a whole other room. Kris hoped that her mother’s was at least a little different from her own, though.
Kris always liked a variety, and it’s always fun acquainting yourself with new surroundings. It just gives out an unexplainable adrenaline rush for no obvious reason, driving you on to explore and know your surrounding by heart. Maybe it’s an instinct? Who knows. Kris merely knew that she liked that feeling and enjoyed experiencing it often.
The suite was lovely enough to match the main hallway of the hotel, but it was, thankfully, not nearly as fancy, to Kris’s relief. Fancy is nice to look at often, but not many people would like the rooms they sleep, shower and eat in made of glass. It takes the special out of fancy and beautiful.
Curtains made of a very beautiful white silk closed off the dwindling evening light from the room and made it necessary to use the lights provided in the room, next to the bed and in the ceiling.
There was a television and a desk, out into the living room of her suite, but, after unpacking her laptop and hooking it up on the desk, Kris found no need for entertainment of any sort. She was quite tired from the trip, and although it was only 9:30 at night, she was ready to sleep.

Dinner was exceptional and the dancing was divine, spending all the time possible with his fiancée was quite a treat to Remy, seeing as she was still very busy preparing the wedding (his father paying for most of her purchases…) Remy had nothing to do.
Well, all he could do when not spending time with his future wife was steal, or the alternative: talk to his new friend. She was quite a character, very charming. He loved her personality, secretive and careful, yet somehow carefree and stubborn. Her bullheaded-ness was actually something that made him like her more, something to remind him of Belladonna.
A fine hand waved across his eyes, bringing him out of his trance-like thought patterns. “Remy, where in de hell did your mind wande’ off t’? Am I dat boring?” An accusing Belladonna seemed to look hurt, but Remy knew that she would lash out if he said yes, being a joke or not.
She was a sweet woman and he loved her, their marriage being arranged had nothing to do with the fact that they would wed soon. Belladonna had a flame in her heart that could make an oven jealous. She was quite attractive, and she knew it, making her all the more arrogant and flirtatious.
“No, chere. I was jus’ t’inkin’ bout how much I love ya.” Remy was an even more arrogant flirt than his beautiful Belladonna. With a wink, a smile, and a few sweet words, Remy could charm anyone into his arms.
It was so easy for him that it sometimes seemed super-natural. Like his eyes, red on black was not the idea of “normal” for eyes. Although most wouldn’t even notice, those who did didn’t believe in what he was: a mutant.
Sometimes Remy himself doubted the proof, unable to accept the fact that the “fiction” of the X-men was real. But he always figured he should be open-minded, and so he was, a true believer in mutants. Maybe to entertain himself he’d go to one of the many clubs while Belladonna was busy with “women’s work.”

9:00 PM
Kris fluttered her long, thick eyelashes flirtatiously to the guy next to her, a cute giggle convincing him to buy her another soda. He himself was rather handsome, like most of the guys she had seen here in New Orleans so far, but he wasn’t her type. Kris merely enjoyed practicing her mother’s ability to con people by merely flirting.
A trick Kris picked up quickly from Raven, and, adding that to her beauty and innocent charm, Kris was turning into one of the best only at the impressionable age of 15. The man seemed to be spellbound with her, and this in it’s self was quite exhilarating.
Kris was having a great time, up until another young man stepped out of the crowd of dancers and sat on the other side of her. He looked at her behind his sunglasses, which was odd in it’s own, seeing as how it was pretty dark in the club already. A strange smile crossed his lips as she raised an eyebrow to his starring.
Maybe she could have fun with this man too. A menacing smile spread across her lips, the man didn’t seem to be fazed by that first and accidental act of intimidation. But it would have been a surprise for him to have actually seen it. Her wicked smile was quickly hidden beneath a sweet and disarming grin that could make any man give up his wallet to her.
“Buy me a drink, suh?”
It was as if her tongue was the best sugar, she spoke so sweetly! Her green eyes held a desirable mystery, adding to her overwhelming charm. But this man had an even greater amount of charm it seemed as he smiled at her, his lips making a very desirable curve, his slightly stubbled jaw making his youthful face less sophisticated, yet much more handsome.
Kris had never known anyone to have the same effect on her that she did on them! She was intrigued and in awe at the same time. Well if it was a competition he wanted, a competition he would get!
She blushed purposefully, her smile growing far more innocent by the millisecond, exposing pearly white teeth. She absently twisted hair in her fingers, arm resting on the bar as she faced both him and the bar together.
“Howa bout I take a rain check on dat an’ we dance instead?” Remy’s voice was deep, his Cajun accent smooth and sensual. An equally sensual smile spread across his lips as the girl he was talking to faltered, her smile dropping just a little, but enough for him to notice.
She looked down at herself, a taunting black halter-top exposing her delicious back and a silvery mini-skirt that shimmered in the light as she moved. Fishnet stockings followed up her revealing ensemble with somewhat out of place combat boots, but she still managed to make the choice look great on her, a rare gift to be proud of. She even had long, shoulder-length, silky-black gloves that made her halter-top look like it had sleeves.
Why would she be worried about her appearance? They were just going to dance, and she looked absolutely stunning. What was the problem? It couldn’t be him he was too smooth and irresistible for his charm fail on her.
He stood, his confusion hidden in his confident features. He held out a hand. The girl looked at it, the thick, leather glove that he was wearing and his long-sleeved shirt. Her amazing air of seduction returned to her, almost causing a change in atmosphere. She smiled strikingly and took his hand with her own. He led her out to the dance floor from whence he came and they danced with the night.
About 2 shopping sprees, one fancy dinner with Raven, and some sightseeing later from that night, 4 days had gone by and Kris was getting bored. She was tired of being treated like a tourist, whether she was one or not! Kris had decided before she went to sleep the night before that the next time she talked to her online friend, she would tell him she was here.
Now that she saw him on before her, she waited for him to send her an instant message so they could talk. It’s not that she thought herself unworthy of him, but she enjoyed it when someone wanted to talk to her of his or her own free will sometimes.
King of Hearts: hey.
Untouchable: hey! i guess it’s time to tell ya my big surprise…
King of Hearts: huh? OH YEAH! well?
Untouchable: welll…… i’m in New Orleans right now, and i’m not leaving until two weeks from now.
King of Hearts: wow! where are you staying? maybe i live near you
Untouchable: i hope so. i was hoping that you could show me around the town while i’m here. we’re at the plaza hotel
King of Hearts: ok i think i can manage to get to that part of town pretty quickly… i only live a few blocks away i think…
Untouchable: wow! that’s great! well, how bout we meet in the lobby of the hotel.
King of Hearts: sure… but how will i know who you are? i’m sure there are lots of girls there at this time of year
Untouchable: i have white hair you’ll find me easily
King of Hearts: WHAT?! i thought you said you’re 15!
Untouchable: i am…
King of Hearts: then why do you have white hair then?
Untouchable: it’s not all white… i guess you’ll see later on
King of Hearts: ok… i guess…
Untouchable: so now that you know how to find me how will i know it’s you?
King of Hearts: i’ll just walk up to you and say hello or something…
Untouchable: you know that there are guys my age staying at the hotel don’t you? i’m sure that more than one will say hi…
King of Hearts: ok…
Untouchable: howa bout you call me Rogue?
King of Hearts: sure. that way you’ll know me an i’ll know you
Untouchable: ok
King of Hearts: well now that that’s taken care of cya!
Untouchable: ok. cya
-King of Hearts has signed off-
Kris sighed gleefully as she turned her laptop off. This would really be a vacation to remember. As she rose from her chair and walked out of her room, checking that she had her key, she found her way to the elevator and waited as it traveled down to the lobby.
As she was in the elevator, Kris inspected her-self closely, wishing to look her best for her friend. The mirrors were no help, designs disrupting her reflection, but from what she could tell, not one area of skin shone and, by the look on the boy’s face that was in the elevator with her, she looked great.
It was a short ride to the Plaza on his motorcycle, but it seemed like an eternity. “This girl must look very different if she has white hair…” he thought. His red eyes gleamed in anticipation as he entered the lobby, his brown hair was rather ruffled from being blown around, but that was the way he looked best.
Untouchable was right, there were a significant number of girls and boys around, tourists loved the Plaza. He looked around quickly, searching for white surrounding a youthful face. Many girls caught his eye, but none had white hair! Remy wondered if he had the wrong hotel, or if maybe he had been played a fool! Not possible.
Remy sat down for a moment, on one of the fancy couches adorning the room. As he waited impatiently for his friend, a girl sat down beside him, smiling pleasantly. “Hi!” came her overly excited voice’s greeting. She was very pretty, and could most definitely keep Remy busy while he waited for Rogue.
She wore a tight fitting black tank top that was cut down far enough to reveal a black, Gothic-looking necklace. Her shirt read “We’re all mad here” with a bright pink cat that looked strangely like it was from a computer game called Alice.
Her mini skirt had a plaid design that mixed bright pink, black and blood red together, while her Gothic boots looked rather perfect, yet absurd with her ensemble. Her spiked wristband looked rather interesting, the leather dully catching light from the bright room.
“Hey.” Was this Rogue? Couldn’t be. Rogue had white in her hair… and she didn’t know what he looked like. Did she?
“What’s your name? I’m Alice.” Her eyes were a bright blue, but they showed a twinkle of something hidden behind them. Something Remy wasn’t sure he wanted to discover. Her fair features seemed to heighten as he showed a look of disinterest. What a strange girl…
“My name’s Remy.” At his words, he saw a gleam of white contrast behind Alice's black hair. He averted his eyes from the pretty girl to inspect. Yes! It was her. She was right about boys falling all over her! She was sitting down, obviously uninterested in the boy who absolutely refused to stop talking like a maniac.
“If you’ll excuse me, I’m meetin’ a frien’ here, and I just spotted her.” Remy hoped his excuse was enough. Some girls could become so desperate that they’d follow him to meet his friends. But that could’ve been part of his mind-boggling charm.
Fortunately the girl nodded and he walked off, ready to save Rogue from that poor excuse of a teenager sitting next to her. But wait… could this be the girl who he had danced with just a few nights ago?
“… So how did you end up here?” The boy finally finished. Kris was hardly paying any attention, her head jerked up as he stopped talking, aware that he had asked a question, but unaware of what it was.
Her emerald eyes looked up towards his brown ones, desperately trying to hide her boredom and utter clueless-ness, the idea of being polite all that was on her mind, wishing keenly that someone would give her an excuse to escape from this loser.
As if some magical being had heard her silent hope, a handsome young man, possibly a few years older than her, began to approach her and… what was his name? Dan maybe… As he approached a familiar smile spread across his face, charming and handsome, yet slightly crooked, but Kris absolutely could not place where she had seen it before.
“Bonjour, mon chere Rogue.” It was King of Hearts! His handsome face was slightly tanned, probably from living here all his life. His face was very youthful and he wore sunglasses over his eyes, of which Kris was sure were beautiful enough to make him impossible to refuse.
All she could do was sigh with relief. The boy who was sitting next to her, Dan, looked up in shock. His expression actually made Kris feel bad for him. She smiled at him and stood, turning her back on her handsome friend.
“Ah’m sorry if Ah wasted yoah time, Dan, but Ah was here waiting for my friend here.” She smiled up at King of Hearts, motioning for him to introduce himself for her. He looked at her and then at Dan and smiled a charmingly crooked smile.
“I’m Remy, monsieur Dan.” Dan smiled dejectedly, obviously wishing Kris hadn’t been waiting for someone. Kris smiled up at Remy and motioned for them to leave. “So, since you know my name now, what may I ask is yours?” Remy seemed interested in getting to know Kris and that delighted her.
She smiled up at him sweetly, her eyes flirting quietly. “That sounds fair, Ah suppose. My name is Kristine… But Ah usually go by Kris.”
His smile was genuine as he said, not sure of what they would do once introductions were over. “So we finally meet in person. Quite a surprise I must say.”
“So how ‘bout we go up ta my room an’ talk? Then maybe you could show me to a club? Ah’m just gettin’ bored lately… Ah don’t know what there is ta do around heah.” Kris’s accent was a definite sign that she was the girl Remy had met a few days before. This would certainly be interesting…
As the two stood in the glass elevator, they chatted shortly, easing the wait into a shorter amount of time. “So what interests ya, Remy?” Kristine seemed much like the kind of girl who would be very popular. Her way of hiding herself, yet taunting any boy to look upon her was interesting in it’s own!
Remy stared at her for a few seconds, marveling at her natural beauty. “I suppose dat I mainly spend mon time at parties an’ what not. Just hanging around.” Yeah. Just hanging around while Belle and de Assassins Guild plan mon wedding… At least showing dis girl ‘round will keep me occupied. Remy thought. Maybe this girl, Kris, would be enough of a distraction for the next two weeks.
“Hmmm… And I thought that there was nothin’ ta do around here… Silly me!” her voice was thick with sarcasm and it made Remy laugh. She smiled too and they continued to talk cheerfully.
Remy, thought Kris, Is very charming indeed. He seems to really be comfortable with people… and is it just me or is he that guy that Ah danced with half the night at that club the other day? Before Kristine knew it, they were at the door to her room. She slipped the key out of her pocket and quickly unlocked it and slipped in, Remy following close behind.
As their conversation danced onwards, Kristine found herself wondering greatly why Remy was always wearing sunglasses. He surely had beautiful eyes to enhance his already astonishingly handsome features, didn’t he? Why would he conceal them? As the conversation shifted, Kris found her-self asking why he wore sunglasses.
Remy’s slightly tanned skin gave way to his surprised and suddenly uncomfortable expression. Kris merely tilted her head in wonder, her white streaks falling playfully across her face. For some reason, Remy seemed to think that the floor was incredibly interesting. Kris just studied him.
Finally he looked up at her and, it seemed, that he had gathered up all the courage he could find and took off his dark shades. Kris smiled and looked into his eyes. What her clear emeralds saw astounded her! Remy’s eyes were no normal human’s eyes, but instead a combination of red on black! A sly smile spread across Kris’ sleek lips. “So yoah a mutant, Ah see.”
Remy’s expression betrayed his fear and he could not help but keep his voice from sounding defensive, “So? What do you care? It’s not like there are more of me, is it?” His last words seemed more curious than angry. Kris only smiled and twirled her fingers around her white hair.
Remy was astounded at how calm this girl was! She seemed quite intrigued by the fact that he had a physical mutation. “What?!?” He was beginning to become annoyed with her all knowing grin. She took in a breath slowly, as if suddenly noticing that the air smelled sweet, and she spoke, words excited, “Ah’m a mutant too.” Her grin never faded as Remy’s expression of shock overtook him, but only became more intense.