The Ante -
Written by Lucia de’Medici
Last updated: 05/11/2007 10:19:38 PM
Chapter 9
Chapter IX: Table Talk
"Hi, Kurt."
"Where are you?"
"Uh... well, Ah..."
"We’ve been worried sick! What were you thinking?"
"Well, Ah..."
"I can’t believe it. Tell me you didn’t run off with... run off with... has he done anything to you? I’ll kill him."
"Kurt -"
"You just tell me where you are, and I’ll port as close as I can."
"Kurt, Ah’m fine. I’m in..."
"Hold on Keety! Rogue?"
"Kurt listen -"
"Hang on, Keety wants to yell... I mean, she wants to talk to you."
"I’ll just be a second Professor, I swear! Rogue?"
"Hey, Kit."
"Oh my gosh, you totally did not do what I think you did."
"What did Ah do?"
"Did Gambit, I mean, like, did Gambit you know..."
"What? Kit - I can’t hear ya - listen Ah’m on a public phone in -"
"Rogue? Rogue!"
"I can’t hear her. She’s breaking up... This phone totally sucks."
"Pass it over half-pint. Stripes? That you?"
"Logan! Finally."
"The reception’s garbage, kid. Can ya hear me?"
"Yeah, Ah can hear ya fine, Logan. Ya’ll okay over there?"
"We’re fine, kid. Are you all right? Where are you?"
"Ah’m in Virginia - listen, I was just calling ta say -"
"But you’re not staying in Virginia, are you?"
"N-no, but listen. It’s fine, okay? Just trust me on this one. Ah don’t know how long Ah’m going ta be, but it’s gonna be for a little while, all right?"
"Where are you headed, Stripes?"
"Logan? Ah don’t like that tone you’re using."
"Don’t be smart with me, kid. Where’s that damned Cajun taking you?"
"He’s not -"
"He’s not ’that damned Cajun’. He’s got a name."
"You don’t sound so sure of yourself. What’s he done? Tell him I’ll rip him a new one if he thinks he can get away with this."
"Logan! It was my choice."
"Logan did you just snort at me?"
"Sorry, kid. Kurt’s shedding... Elf, if you flick me in the face with your tail one more time..."
"Logan! Ya gotta relax, all right? Gambit’s... Gambit’s..."
"What’s he done, kid? If he’s laid one stinking, slimy finger on you..."
"It was nothing she couldn’t handle, mon ami."
"Swamp rat! Give me back that damned phone!"
"Desolé, chérie. Let de grown-ups discuss dis. Wolvie? Dat you? Don’t growl at me, homme, dat’s impolite."
"If you hurt her, Cajun, I have no trouble turning you into a shish kebab. Ya hear me, bub?"
"Yeah, sorry. He’s been all right."
"Sounds to me like Gumbo’s being grabby. Tell him to keep his paws off ya if he knows what’s good for him. Where can we pick you up?"
"Ya can’t."
"Ah told ya - this is my decision. I’ll be home soon. I just needed ta let ya’ll know that Ah’m fine."
"This isn’t kosher, Rogue."
"Look - ya’ll keep telling me that Ah’ve gotta sort out my own business, and Ah’m trying to but -"
"Rogue! OHMYGOD!"
"Like, Mr. Logan’s got his claws out and everything... so, is it true?"
"Is what true?"
"Oh, don’t sound so paranoid! This is so romantic, like - the cards, Rogue! I didn’t understand what you were talking about, you know, when the Brotherhood was attacking us and all - but now I get it!"
"What? NO! No, it ain’t like that at all -"
"You are so totally lying right now!"
"It’s just so sweet! He went to all that trouble just to get your attention. What kind of guy does that?"
"Lance knocked ya on yo’ ass enough times for you ta know, Kit -"
"That’s not in the same context at all. Like, you know that I know that he knows that by doing that he totally has a thing for you."
"Rogue? Are you still there?"
"Ah’m trying ta decipher what ya just said, Kit -"
"Oh, whatever. The point is that this is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done in like, the history of Bayville."
"Ah take it the Brotherhood didn’t tear down the mansion?"
"What? No, of course not. Like they stood a chance. They weren’t too happy when they left, though. OW! Mr. Logan!"
"Hi, Logan."
"I can hear ya blushing from here, Rogue."
"Ah am not blushing."
"Oui, she is. S’ sorta cute."
"CAJUN! You keep your distance from that girl or your skin will decorate the seat of my motorbike! It needs reupholstering!"
"Geez, Logan, stop yellin’ please. No, swamp rat, Ah’m not tellin’ him that! Go use the other phone if ya need ta yammer at someone... No, not that one... Farther. Ah said farther! Can’t ya give a girl some privacy? Damnit! Ah swear as soon as Ah find a quarter Ah’m gonna blow ya ta kingdom come!"
"Professor? Oh my gawd, did ya’ll just hear that?"
"That’s quite all right, Rogue. I’m certain I will regain the use of my left ear later this afternoon. Logan?"
"Hey, Chuck."
"I’d like to speak with Rogue for a moment, if I may."
"Me and Gumbo were having words, Charles."
"I’m afraid that will have to wait. Would you...?"
"He’s gone, Logan. Ah made him go to the far side of the building. Ah think he’s callin’ his MAWMAW! BECAUSE HE’S GONNA NEED HIS MAWMAW WHEN AH’M DONE WITH HIM!"
"You tell him, Stripes. Chuck? I think I do feel a bit better about this situation now."
"That’s good to hear, Logan - even with the dull ringing in the background."
"Sorry Professor. Bye Logan!"
"Hi again, Professor."
"Hello, Rogue. Are you well?"
"Ah am, sir. Ah’m sorry to have caused all this trouble."
"I can hardly place the blame on your shoulders. After all, Gambit is acting in your best interests, is he not?"
"Ah... Ah think so. At least he says so, and... well, he sort of... gave me a little demonstration."
"Cerebro has told us as much. Gambit permitted you to absorb a portion of his memories and powers?"
"Well, the first time, he... well, Ah think there was a slip of the wrist, if ya catch my drift. Ah didn’t even know, really... But Ah suppose it makes more sense ta me now."
"Are you referring to the discussion shared beneath the oak tree?"
"Yes, sir. Ah’m sorry... well, Gambit’s sorry about that. It was his fault that the branch broke."
"Please inform Mr. LeBeau that it was an old tree. It had seen many better days, and he should think nothing of it."
"Ah will, sir."
"Rogue, I must be frank with you, as I am sure you are eager to continue on your journey. Henry has analyzed the new patterning of Gambit’s powers that you displayed in your Danger Room session post-absorption. There are significant changes in his genetic makeup that I am certain you are aware of."
"Ah know, Professor."
"If I may, has Gambit informed you of how he came to acquire these... enhancements?"
"We... well, we haven’t really discussed it much yet."
"I would advise that you do so immediately, Rogue. There are many potential hazards in the immediate augmentation of a mutant’s abilities that may put you at risk. Henry has informed me that while Gambit’s mutation has indeed evolved to an exponential degree, he has not reached his full potential. Accordingly, any current symptoms he may be exhibiting could be temporary at best."
"Did Dr. McCoy say what sort of ’symptoms’?"
"Well, in particular, Gambit appears to have developed a passive energy field around himself. It is merely an outward manifestation of his inherent powers. Henry feels that this particular aspect of Gambit’s mutation is not as stable as it should be, or could be, given the degree of control it requires to maintain for long periods of time."
"Yo’ sayin’... yo’ sayin’ that Gambit isn’t..."
"Whatever he may have told you, Rogue, please keep in mind that Gambit may know little more than we currently do about his present physiological state. Henry is still conducting tests, however, the data we have is from a secondary source - you."
"Ah see."
"I must ask you, knowing that I cannot prevent you from continuing on if your mind is set, please to -"
"Ya want me ta consult with ya first?"
"It is for your safety, Rogue."
"So... so you’re not coming ta get me?"
"At the present time, no. You are an adult, and I have the utmost confidence that when the time comes, you will make the right decision."
"Ah, Logan, there you are."
"Damn telepaths..."
"As a matter of fact, I could hear you breathing through the phone."
"Yo’ not the best when it comes ta stealth, sugah."
"Don’t you get all cocky with me, Stripes. Charles might think you’re capable of handling yourself, but that Cajun is bad news..."
"Ah can handle him, Logan."
"So he is giving you grief! I’m coming. I’ll take my damned bike if I have to, Charles... Hey! Give that back!"
"I took the phone from him. Rogue?"
"Sorry, Ah couldn’t help myself."
"This is highly irregular."
"I’m sorry, Professor, I’ll only be a moment. Rogue? We’re coming. You can tell us where you’re going, or I’ll have Kitty trace you. She’s already set up the laptop and configured her global positioning software to locate your genetic signature."
"Professor, we’re a team. As the leader, I feel it’s necessary that I exercise at least some authority in this matter - even if it’s only to keep Gambit in line."
"Oh my gawd..."
"My apologies, Rogue. Scott, I understand your concern, but I must remind you that this has not been discussed collectively."
"There’s nothing ’collective’ about Rogue running off like that -"
"Don’t Ah get a say in this?"
"Until we gather more data, I have to say that answer would be ’no way.’"
"Oh forget it. Ya’ll just stay put, ya hear? Ah don’t need yo’ help."
"How many times have we heard that?"
"Right, Ah’ll just be the resident charity case. Ah’m done with this. Professor, Ah just wanted ta mention - when Ah absorbed Gambit last night, there was a memory of his Ah picked up. Ah think there was a stone. A red gemstone. It might’ve been a ruby or a quartz, but Ah never saw anything like it before."
"Rogue, wait -"
"Ah’ll be in touch. Ah’ve gotta go."
"Wait, Rogue!"
"Scott? Come to my office and bring Logan. Immediately."
"Yeah, what a bloody trip, though. Hope the sheila’s worth it."
"S’ all set, then?"
"Yeah, yeah..."
"S’ fine, pumpkin. Don’t you worry that pretty head of yours. Cor, this is the last time, though."
"Yeah, ya bloody seppo - about that..."
"I’ll take care of it."
"You promise?"
"Aren’t I always good for dese t’ings?"
"Considering the last time you said that you bailed with half buckethead’s — god rest his sanity — security system beneath that trench coat of yours and we didn’t hear from you for six months..."
"Do dey suspect anyt’ing?"
"Naw, mate. I’m a brilliant actor."
"I’ll see ya there, mate."
"Can y’ give me a few days?"
"What? Why? Something come... up?"
"Mind y’ mouth, John. I’ve got a bar of soap with y’ name on it."
"Crikey, ya getting pissy in ya old age or what? Bloody baby-thief. They’re getting antsy. They want ya head, ya know, and Wanda wants ya bits fricasseed. Think she might just do it too..."
"Did y’ say ’hi’ to Pete f’ me?"
"What do you take me for? And I saw that coming a mile away, mate - you’re just as dodgy as ever."
"That bloke’s the one that bent Stella all outta shape - which, by the way..."
"I know, I know. Relax. Just gimme a lil’ time. Got plenty on m’ hands right now."
"I’ll say - Rogue’s turned into something else, hasn’t she?"
"S’ not like dat, John."
"Of course not. Look, you just do what ya need to, and I’ll see ya this weekend."
(A sigh.)
"Like dey say... Laissez les bon temps roulez."
Post Script:
- Table Talk: (Poker) Any discussion at the table of the hand currently underway, especially by players not involved in the pot, and especially any talk that might affect play.
- Seppo: Rhyming slang. Pyro calls him a "yank." (Seppo, Septic, Septic Tank, Yank)
- "Rocky!" Both Lisa725 and I agreed this little exchange was far too close to the laboratory scene in the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" not to include it.
Laissez les bon temps roulez: Let the good times roll.
Merveilleux: Brilliant