Betrayal -
Written by Valerie Jones
Last updated: 01/02/2007 02:01:11 AM
Chapter 2
Remy LeBeau ignored his reflection as he tossed items onto the bureau. Watch, lighter, pocket change. The metal winked in the lamplight, but dully. It wasn't like a gemstone or the warm luster of gold. Remy pushed the thoughts aside. Thinking like that would only get him in trouble.
The clock on the corner of the bureau showed a few minutes after four. It whirred softly as the gears pushed the minute hand another notch forward. It was an antique, though not particularly valuable. Remy had bought it because of the intricate carving that framed the face. Unfortunately, it didn't ever keep exact time. His watch read four fifteen or so, but he kept the clock because Rogue had once mentioned how much she liked it.
*You a fool, boy*, he told the reflection in the mirror. It only smirked back at him. Rogue was down the hall a ways. She had finally come back, to the X-men at least. He had been right about that. But there was nothing left of what they had had. Whatever that had been.
Remy turned away from the dresser, stripping off his shirt as he went. Now all she would give him was the proverbial cold shoulder and an occasional icy stare. They had survived the expected regiment of danger room sequences, proving to the Professor's satisfaction that they could still work together. Other than that, they avoided each other as much as possible.
Hunger gnawed at him. He'd been too busy to eat much dinner, and that was hours ago. He finished changing out of the casual suit he'd been wearing, switching to cutoffs. Barefoot, he left his room and padded toward the kitchen.
The sound of the refrigerator opening alerted him. Someone else was in the kitchen ahead of him.
*Jus' my luck. Prob'ly be Bishop.* He paused, decided he was hungry enough to put up with the man's antagonism, and stepped into the kitchen.
Rogue stood in front of the open refrigerator door, hand on hip. She was dressed only in a nightshirt-- the blue one that was her favorite. The backlighting from the fridge outlined her figure neatly. Remy bit back the comment that rose to his lips. He was too tired for a full-blown fight.
"Midnight munchies, chere?"
"Remy!" She whirled, and put her back against the open door. "What do you want?" She looked frazzled, as if she hadn't slept much that night.
He advanced a couple of steps. "Same t'ing you do, I expect."
She stared at him, anger flashing in her eyes. "And what, exactly, is that supposed ta mean?"
Remy grinned. This round was his. "Food, girl. Or were y' lookin' f' somet'ing else in dere?"
She flushed. "Oh." As Remy approached she sidled away from the refrigerator. "Ah wasn't really hungry anyway," she said. Then she was gone in a flash of long leg and red hair.
Remy sighed. He got little satisfaction from winning these little scuffles. It was just better than losing. Rogue had always had a quick temper, and sometimes her tongue cut deep. Keeping her off balance protected him from that, at least.
Appetite gone, he built himself a sandwich and ate it. It had been a bad day all around. He was having no luck figuring out what Sinister's angle was, and information about the man was incredibly hard to come by. He had thought he had a lead on something Sinister had been involved in several years earlier, but had turned up nothing. He could still hope for a break, of course. Every gambler got one once in a while. But he had a bad, bad feeling that he was going to get blindsided by this one.
It was all just a matter of time. He had already lost Rogue. Eventually, his past was going to cost him the X-men as well. All he could do was wait for the end, and maybe enjoy what he had for as long as it lasted. Sitting there alone in the darkened kitchen, it didn't seem like that would be very long at all.