Betrayal -
Written by Valerie Jones
Last updated: 01/02/2007 02:01:11 AM
Chapter 41
"Bishop is just full of surprises, isn't he?" Jean rested chin on hand and watched Bobby across the table. She hoped she didn't sound too smug, but it had been a delight to see Bishop, of all people, telling Bobby to stick a sock in it. His bias against Remy had been wearing very thin on her.
Bobby scowled. "Save the lecture, Phoenix. I don't want to hear it."
Jean just raised an eyebrow. She was prodding him and she knew it, but it was time to air a few things. So, "What lecture?" she asked.
"The `It isn't Gambit's fault because he lived through hell as a kid' lecture. I'm sorry, Jean, but I just don't buy it. He's as responsible for what he's done as the rest of us."
Jean considered that. "He is responsible, yes. But that doesn't mean there isn't room for compassion. Do you really think that *punishing* him would make things better? For anyone?"
"It's what he deserves." Bobby sat up abruptly and pointed a finger at Jean. "Someday Gambit's got to learn that there are consequences to the things he does. He can't just sail through life without paying for his mistakes. So, yeah, I do think punishing him would do some good."
Jean had to stop and think. Bobby had hit too close to her own private worry. Remy really did do a lot of things without seeing their consequences. But her soul rebelled at the idea of causing him any more pain. She was still trying to put her thoughts together, even as she voiced them.
"Remy has been hurt too often and too deeply, Bobby. He *expects* it. Punishment of any kind, deserved or not, wouldn't phaze him. Kindness and trust are the things that will have an impact on him." She toyed with a lock of her hair, twisting it around one finger. "What he *deserves* isn't what will help him. And to be honest, I'm not all that certain that he really deserves any more than has already happened to him."
"I don't think that lady agent would agree with you."
"Hey, don't come down on me just because I don't like the guy. I've *always* thought he was a creep." He shrugged. "Turns out I was right."
Jean stared at him in dismay. "Didn't you hear anything Bishop said?" she asked.
Bobby was suddenly uncomfortable. "Yeah. Sure."
Jean's eyes narrowed. "You really can't stand the thought that there might be something. . . . worthwhile. . .in Remy, can you?"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means that you're jealous, Bobby." The words came out so matter-of-fact that even Jean was surprised.
"Jealous!" Bobby laughed. "Of what?"
"Of Gambit."
"*Gambit*! That's absurd, Jean."
"Is it?"
"Yes." Bobby crossed his arms. "What in the world do I have to be jealous about?"
Jean considered him as she spoke, wondering if he was aware of what she, and others, had seen in him. "Remy is smooth and charming, reckless, and a lot more wild than tame. He takes chances you would never dream of taking. I think you wish you had some of that wildness--"
"What for?"
"Because if you did, you might have developed your mutant power long before now. And because maybe Rogue would have noticed you." The moment she said it, Jean knew she had gone to far.
Bobby's face drained of color and the temperature in the room plummeted.
"I'm sorry, Bobby. That was completely out of line." Jean reached out to take his hand, but he shook her off.
"Yeah. It was." He stood and walked to the door. He paused there for a moment as if debating whether to say something, but he left without saying anything.
Jean stared at the door for a long time, then closed her eyes and laid her forehead against the tabletop. How could one person so completely upset all of their lives?