Paradox Law -
Written by Valerie Jones
Last updated: 03/23/2007 01:26:56 AM
Sequel to "Betrayal". In the bleak world created as a result of the Paradox, a group of children attempt to set time straight.
Prolog Rogue sat cross-legged in the bed, covers drawn up around her. She watched as Remy dressed in his colors...
Chapter 1 Another portion of the wall behind which he hid disintegrated, but Bishop ignored it...
Chapter 2 Jean turned at the sound of the door sliding aside behind her...
Chapter 3 Remi heard Rachel shouting at him as if from a very long way away...
Chapter 4 Renee stared at the empty field...
Chapter 5 Remi took a moment to crouch down, stretching his knees...
Chapter 6 Remi stared at Hank McCoy in equal parts surprise and curiosity...
Chapter 7 Cody LeBeau stopped and peered up at the thin slice of sky that was visible between the tall buildings...
Chapter 8 Rachel was still staring when Cody mumbled an awed "Wow," and walked forward into the room...
Chapter 9 Remi settled onto the thin pallet with a sigh and rubbed his temples...
Chapter 10 Remi raised his head carefully and peered over the lip of the slight ridge...
Chapter 11 Remi stared at the map spread out across one end of the long table...
Chapter 12 Remi jerked awake, convinced that the burning remains of a building were falling all around him...
Chapter 13 Remi touched Renee’s mind lightly, trying to get an idea of her location...
Chapter 14 Sighing, Renee bent forward and ran her gloved fingers through her hair, scrubbing lightly...
Chapter 15 Renee looked over at Cody and they both giggled. Daddy was kissing Momma again...
Chapter 16 Bishop peered through the tiny window at Remi, then turned to the two people beside him...
Chapter 17 "What’s the word?" Everett leaned against the edge of the table and crossed his arms...
Chapter 18 Remi drew his knees up, hugging them tightly, and stared out at the night sky...
Chapter 19 Remi sat quietly inside the helicopter, listening to the increasing whine as the rotors wound up to full speed...
Chapter 20 Remi opened his eyes and immediately recoiled with a cry of disgust...
Chapter 21 Remi shivered in the early morning air as he stood and tried to stretch out some of his stiffness...
Chapter 22 Remi leaned casually against the railing of his balcony perch, watching the street...
Chapter 23 Remi stared at Cyclops, his mind tumbling frantically...
Chapter 24 Jean stared out the windshield at the empty expanse of sky. She was seated directly behind Scott...
Chapter 25 Jean Luc LeBeau raised his hand to knock on a plain wooden door, then paused...
Chapter 26 The brittle crunching of feet on dry leaves made Remi look down...
Chapter 27 Henri LeBeau stared at the brochure in his hands with both interest and trepidation while the phone held against his...
Chapter 28 Remi followed the sounds of voices to the rec room to find the majority of the X-Men present...
Chapter 29 Remi made it out the door before the reaction set in...
Chapter 30 Charles started at the knock on his door, despite the fact that he’d been expecting it...
Epilog Remy LeBeau walked through the dimly lit halls beneath the mansion, lost in thought...