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Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

The Companion Picture - REVIEW THIS STORY

Written by Dandelion
Last updated: 12/03/2009 06:26:08 PM

Chapter 24

"Okay, dis is the plan," Remy held a board with a schedule marked on it. "Odd days, Brett flies, even days, Lensherr. Dat way, we always know who's turn it is, and we can make plans easier." He pointed to the schedule. "You see, I've gone an' marked Brett's days in green and Lensherr's in red."

Lee, Magnus, and Brett stared at Remy in amazement, focusing on him and then the board alternately.

The stunned silence was broken by a giggle escaping Brett. She clapped a hand over her mouth, but it didn't seem to help. "Oh my God," she laughed. "Remy sugah, you're anal!" She sounded as though she had just made an incredibly important discovery.

Lee tittered a bit and Magnus hid a smile behind his hand as he pretended to look thoughtful.

"I'm not anal!" Remy denied vehemently. "I's just the only mutant on dis rock who can't *fly*!! An' I wan' make certain dat if I need to go to th'mainland, I *can*!"

Lee smiled wider, "Well, speaking as the only human on this island, I can appreciate Remy's frustration and, oddly enough, I agree with the schedule premise."

Rogue laughed even louder. Remy made a face and looked expectantly at Magnus.

Magnus shot Remy a quick 'don't-expect-me-to-bail-you-out-of-this' look, but then waved his hand. "Since we've got most of the essentials we need for now, I don't know if this is really necessary."

Rogue got up at that, feeling she had to bail her love out by now. "Now, Ah can't say that this isn't a good idea. It is actually, and we *will* have to stock up some more, soon. And we do have to take Lee and Remy into consideration when it comes to travel."

She looped her arm with Remy's, "It's a start, we still have to spruce it up a bit, but it's a real good start." She stood on her toes and kissed Remy's cheek. "You're so smart, sugah."

Remy looked pouty, but nodded.

Magnus permitted himself to laugh at this point. He stood up, chuckling. "Now that LeBeau has worked out his organizational bug, I'd like to go back to my exploring." He nodded to everyone and headed out.

"Dere goes Indiana Jones," Remy remarked as Magnus left, clearly loud enough for his friend to hear. He sighed as he turned back to Lee and Brett.

Lee grinned at Remy, "Hey, *I* liked the idea."

"Well, thanks," he answered. "It's an uphill battle against dese flyers," he chucked Rogue on the chin. "But, at least we get free air travel, neh?"

Magnus wandered among the old columns and statues. He found himself puzzling over the civilization that must have made the carvings that decorated the walls and pillars.

"Not at all unsettling," he said aloud, his tone ironic.

Still, aside from the slightly uneasy feeling he got from the bizarre carvings, there was an altogether stranger feeling of having walked here before.

<I have been here,> he thought. <I know I have, I feel it. It's just that I don't recall anything from it.> He kicked a loose stone across the floor.

"What were you expecting, Magnus?" He asked himself. "Instant recall the moment you stepped on this island?"

He found numerous items of interest, large statues of unnatural looking creatures. Designs and motifs of strict geometric design. Structures that looked to be residencies at one point. Magnus found himself guessing at the purposes of many buildings he came across.

After rifling through the debris of the area and studying the carvings, Magnus decided that he was in an area that centered around commerce of some sort. Whether it was based on trading and bartering, or some actual currency he wasn't sure. He was enjoying strolling down the streets, imagining the life that had gone before.

That's when he saw the temple.

"How long do ya think we'll be stayin' here?" Brett strolled along the beach, hand in hand, with Remy.

"As long as it takes, I guess," he replied. He looked at her. "What's wrong, Brett? Have you got plans?"

She didn't answer right away, "No. No, Ah don't. Ah think there's a part of me that's still ingrained with X-Men mentality. We can't stay away too long, we might be needed."

Remy nodded.

"What do you think?"

He looked at the waves, "Well, I can understand it. I wonder sometimes if maybe it's selfish to want somethin' outside o'dat life. I mean, we might *be* needed. But, I t'ink maybe I serve dem best by stayin' away."

"Sinister," she stated, nodded.

Remy heaved a sigh, "Yeah." He pulled her around and clasped his hands together at the small of her back. "But you listen, Brett," he said, looking down into her eyes. "I don' wan' t'hold you here, if this isn't where you want t'be. If you t'ink you should go back, then do it."

She smiled up at him, "Ah think Ah might be selfish." She rested her head underneath his chin. "Do you know that for most of my life Ah've been fighting for one reason or another? Y'want t'know why? Because Ah couldn't *do* anything else. Now, Ah can. Ah can be something other than an X-Man, and Ah think Ah'll take advantage of it as long as possible. 'Cause Ah have a terrible feeling that it won't last."

Remy smiled as he pressed her against him, delighting in the smell of her hair and the feel of her heart beating against him, "T'ings don't last, you're right. But at least we got..." his voice trailed off as he spotted something glittering in the sky.

Rogue felt the hairs on the back of her neck rising just as Remy's voice trailed off. She turned her head just as Remy voiced his concern.

"What's dat?"

Lee was inside the main room that they had all cleared working on setting up her navigational equipment. Between the four of them, they had managed to create some living space in a very short time.

Brett was the resident wrecking ball, pounding through walls and chucking large debris out of the way as if they were made of Styrofoam rather than ancient rock. Magnus acted as support and assistance. He

used his power to hold up anything that wasn't stable until Remy and Lee could support it with something more solid. Plus, he was able to bring any equipment to whoever needed it will little fuss.

Remy was the demolition man, sending little bombs into areas Brett couldn't squeeze into. He helped build supports, as well. Lee helped where she could. She was used to hard work and in the first few days there was a lot of it.

She was flattered by the unspoken invitation that had been extended to her. The three mutants seemed to take for granted that she was staying with them. If the truth be told, Lee hadn't been looking forward to leaving. There was far too much unfinished business for her to turn away now. As she was setting her instruments into place she noticed some of the needles acting very strangely, bouncing back and forth rapidly. She looked up just in time to see Rogue rocket past the open terrace nearby, sending the dust and any loose articles flying. She ran out almost crashing into Remy who was running up the steps.

"What's going on?" Lee questioned stiffly.

Remy pointed wordlessly to the sparkling, greenish blob in the sky.

"What *is* that?" Lee demanded.

"Brett'll find out," Remy replied, his voice tight. He stared into the sky with an intense look that Lee found very familiar.

He was scared for a loved one.

Rogue knifed through the air toward the intruder, squinting into the sunlight as she tried to see what or who was coming their way.

The green globe flickered allowing her to get a brief glimpse at the figure inside. One thing grabbed her attention: green hair.


Lorna barely heard Rogue call her name. She was concentrating so hard now. Her eyes were squeezed shut, her arms were spread out, her fists were clenched as she tried to maintain her travels despite her fatigue and the sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. She had lost track of the time she had spent running. She only knew that it had been several days since she had last slept or ate. Lorna could not have said whether her lack of sleep and appetite were due to the extreme hurry she was in, or the stress of the recent events in Langley and New Mexico. All she knew was that she was running out of strength.

Her extreme fatigue had heightened her senses as well. However, she was also in a paranoid state, almost certain that the people that had killed Alex and had tried to kill her. All she knew was that she was alone, and alone she couldn't fight anymore.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw a figure coming her way. She started violently twisting her body in that direction and flinging one arm out. An instinctual magnetic pulse hit Rogue head on, frightening in it's intensity.

But Rogue was made of sterner stuff. She fell back under Lorna's mistaken onslaught but broke through and kept right on coming.

The moment Lorna saw that Rogue was coming to help, she knew she was safe. She let go.

Rogue yelped as Lorna plunged out of the sky towards her. The moment she had Lorna in her arms she reversed her direction and dropped towards the island.

Remy helped Lee up after they were both sent sprawling from Lorna's pulse. Rogue came hurtling down from the sky, Lorna cradled in her arms. By the time they reached the terrace, Lorna was sobbing.

"Sugah, what happened?" Rogue stroked

Lorna's hair softly, trying to calm her. "Th-they k-k-k-killed hi-hi-him," Lorna choked out, her sobs cutting off her words and breath.

Remy's brow furrowed, "Killed who?"

"Alex!!" she screamed. "They k-k-killed Alex!!"

Rogue's eyes went wide.

Remy had heard enough, he forcefully took Lorna from Rogue's arms and headed inside, "Brett, honey, will you get some extra blankets? Lee, get a washcloth and some cool water, I'll take her into one of the rooms."

Lorna clutched at Remy, still sobbing, trying to breath but her fatigue and her anger and sadness hindered her in that respect.

He took her into Rogue's room and laid her gently down on the bed. Rogue came in moments later with a pile of blankets. Remy took them wordlessly and covered Lorna, tucking her in tightly.

"What's goin' on, Remy sugah?" Rogue whispered.

"She's tired, she wore out completely. I just don' wan' her goin' into shock. She look like she about to," Remy's voice was low. He leaned over Lorna and crooned to her softly. "There, there, girl, you safe now. Don' worry none." Lee came in with a bowl of water and a rag. Remy took it and pressed the cool, damp cloth to Lorna's forehead. "You okay," he whispered.

Slowly, Lorna's breathing became regular. She opened her eyes and looked at the three watching her with troubled faces.

"Anybody follow you, cherie?" Remy asked quietly.

She shook her head. "No one knows where I am."

He nodded. "Okay," he pressed his hand against her forehead. "You're safe."

Her eyes welled up again, "Please let me stay here," she whispered frantically. "I don't have anyplace else...please!"

Remy clucked his tongue at her gently, "Dere, dere, cherie. Of course you can stay. We're all friends. You rest now, we watch over you."

Lorna stared up at him, falling under the spell of his soothing words until her lids closed and she was asleep.

He pulled a chair up the bed and sat down, looking at Rogue and Lee. "Poor thing's gone an' scared herself half to death."

Rogue kneeled by the side of the bed and touched Lorna's hand. "Is she going to be all right? Ah've never seen her like this before. An' Ah thought Ah'd seen Lorna in about every situation possible."

Remy nodded, "She be fine. She just tired and scared." He rubbed his eyes, looking tired himself all of a sudden.

Lee looked at Lorna in silence. She had a feeling that the news she brought with her was going to change things on the island, but her heart ached for the other woman. Never had she heard such heartbreak when she announced Alex's death.

"Ah can't believe the news about Alex," Rogue said, standing up. "Ah just can't. He was part of th'team, y'know?"

Remy looked up at her. "First time I saw le petit frere, he goin' after my lil Stormy in Genosha. Don' much care for him after dat."

"He wasn't like that," Rogue shot back. "He and Lorna never wanted to be part of the fight. They kept getting sucked into it, oh God, Ah can't b'lieve he's gone. What could've happened?"

Remy looked at Lorna, her beautiful face marred by exhaustion. "She tell us when she can, but right now, someone got t'tell Magnus we got a new tenant."

"I'll stay here with her," Lee spoke up. She came to the bed and took Lorna's hand. "I'll watch her."

Remy stood and offered Lee his chair. "If you need help," he let the sentence go unfinished. Lee understood.

With a nod, she sat down, "Don't worry."

Outside of the room, Rogue turned to Remy with a sad look, "She's the first person Ah touched. Y'know, after Forge helped me out an' all. She was the one with enough guts t'test it." Rogue felt cold inside, from the look of desperation on Lorna's face to the terrible news that Alex was dead, she was in a state of denial. Remy put his arm around her shoulders and squeezed her to him, "Ev'ryt'ing gon' be okay."

The temple made Magnus feel decidedly uneasy. He walked in, balanced carefully on the balls of his feet, not really wanting to take a solid step.

The designs here were the same as everywhere else, but Magnus could feel a difference in the very air. He ran his fingers lightly across the carvings, hesitantly going further into the temple. A large circular decoration made of bronze hung at the far end of the temple. It was well covered in dust, so Magnus couldn't hazard a guess as to what it really was. He took a step closer. A girl's scream shattered the air as he neared it.

Magnus felt his heart leap into his throat. Forgetting his caution for the moment, he ran to the object and pressed his hands against it. There was an almost debilitating coldness at the touch. Magnus grit his teeth and wiped the layers of dust away to find an image within...

The same blond girl from his dream was running towards him, blind terror etched onto her face. She raced towards him and Magnus found himself reaching out to her.

Behind her, yellow glowing eyes seemed to lumber towards her. He could hear a growling kind of laughter. She looked over her shoulder at the glowing eyes and stumbled away from them. Turning back she seemed to see Magnus. Her eyes went wide. Magnus saw the glistening claws behind her. Closing in on her, far faster than she was running.

She reached towards him, "Teach!! Help!!"

The claws descended on her.

He heard her scream.

He heard himself scream.

And he found he was staring at himself. The bronze, circular object was polished into an ancient mirror.

He pounded on it, "Let me *help* her!!"

Suddenly, he felt cold and small in that temple. He backed away from the mirror slowly, then turned and ran out.

"Magnus? Hey Lensherr, when you start playing hide n' seek?"

"Over here, Remy." Magnus' voice came from the shadows near the decrepit stairs Remy had maneuvered his way through.

Remy looked curiously at his friend, not liking the sound of his voice, "You okay?"

"Not really."

Remy went into the shadows as well, finding himself in a dugout several feet deep. Magnus was crouched at the end. His feet were propped up against one wall, and his back was pressed against the other. The heels of his hands were pressed against his eyes and he sat completely still. "Magnus?" Remy squatted down next to his

friend, peering at him curiously. "What happened?"

"There is a temple here that gives off very unpleasant visions. I saw that dead girl again."

Remy just looked at Magnus, not certain of what to say.

"Aside from that, there was a magnetic pulse not too long ago that gave me a mother of a headache."

"About that," Remy began.

Magnus took his hands away from his eyes and looked at Remy. "Yes?"

"Our ranks have been added to."

"How's that?"

"Lorna Dane."

There was no hint in Magnus' expression that he recognized the name.

"She been around for a while and wouldn't you know, her powers are all about magnetism too."

"Swell," Magnus got to his feet with a sigh.

"Just swell. Do I know this one, too?"

Remy shrugged, "More'n likely, but listen, Lensherr. Dis girl is half dead from exhaustion and she scared herself almost to death. So, we bed her down and we're gonna just keep an eye on her for a while."

"So you're telling me to be nice, is that it?" Magnus looked at Remy, one eyebrow raised.

Remy just grinned.


GambitGuild is neither an official fansite of nor affiliated with Marvel Enterprises, Inc.
Nonetheless, we do acknowledge our debt to them for creating such a wonderful character and would not dream of making any profit from him other than the enrichment of our imaginations.
X-Men and associated characters and Marvel images are © Marvel Enterprises, Inc.
The GambitGuild site itself is © 2006 - 2007; other elements may have copyrights held by their respective owners.