Distraught -
Written by Flitz
Last updated: 08/24/2008 01:13:57 PM
A young thief becomes a hot commodity

Chapter 1 A red-headed teen stumbled trying to stall his progress as two muscled Shield officers tried to propel him forward into...
Chapter 2 Muscles quivering sporadically the young mutant thief known as Remy LeBeau paced, a personification of rage...
Chapter 3 Patting his jean pockets repeatedly before realizing they were empty...
“Henri LeBeau, are you plannin’ t’ do somet’in ‘bout dis?” stormed an irate Jamaican woman...
Chapter 5 A shadowed figure crouched near the tree line squinting against the fading light...
Chapter 6 Cyclops glared angrily across the room at the two Shield officers stationed there, the gesture lost beneath his shades...
Chapter 7 “What the hell was that!” barked Logan crashing his way into Xavier’s study, Shield agents rushing beside...
Chapter 8 “You’re not supposed to smoke in here...
Chapter 9 Jean leaned against the elevator wall peeling off her lab coat as it ascended...
Chapter 10 “Where exactly is dis place...
Chapter 11 Gambit shifted uncomfortably at his damp perch beside one of the largest trees he’d ever had the misfortune to see...
Chapter 12 “I’m surprised I did not find you on the roof...
Chapter 13 “Professor?” Storm called out rapping lightly on the oaken door of Xavier’s office, her head tilted toward the entryway...