Minute Change -
Written by Karolina Phillips
Last updated: 01/02/2007 02:01:11 AM
While Rogue spirals out of control as her power addiction overtakes her, Jean seeks to help her.

Chapter 1
It started as a subtle, insistent throb in her temples that raced through her head and down her spine...
Chapter 2
Jean rubbed her arms to get rid of the unease crawling over skin...
Chapter 3
There was delayed rumble from the passing thunderstorm over the monotonous pounding of rain...
Chapter 4
Well, that wasn't very mature of me. He's just so transparent when he acts like that...
Chapter 5
The feelings churned around uselessly, hermetically sealed behind cool walls. So few could be expressed...
Chapter 6
The dark permeated the foul air hiding niches and scum encrusted brick...
Chapter 7
Bruised pride aside, his temper had cooled quickly in the winter night...
Chapter 8
"Good morning, Jean, Elisabeth." Joseph trotted to the battered, sweat-stained mats and began stretching...
Chapter 9
"You call that safe?...
Chapter 10
Mystique hummed along with the car radio...
Chapter 11
Mystique stomped into the living room growling and snorting whenever appropriate in case someone happened to...
Chapter 12
"I hope I wasn't interrupting anything." Jean gave the room a cursory glance before entering...
Chapter 13
"Y'think maybe you're over-reactin'...
Chapter 14
"I'm fine, Hank." Jean waved away the gadget he held near her ear...
Chapter 15
People were talking far away, voices carried by a humid wind...
Chapter 16
He gave them life, though at this moment, he was waiting. He gave them life beyond simple humanity...
Chapter 17
Rogue skittered to a stop, making a clumsy landing on the front lawn of the Mansion...
Chapter 18
A bright computer screen backlit several apparati hanging from the walls and ceiling of the Ready Room...