Faith and Dreams -
Written by Valerie Jones
Last updated: 04/26/2007 02:27:23 AM
Sequel to Strange Encounter. Dana Scully never really expected to see the mutants again. But when tragedy strikes, Dana finds herself embroiled in an alien conspiracy that threatens not only her world but the Xmen’s as well. X Men X Files crossover.

Prolog Dana Scully sighed, resigning herself to her fate...
Chapter 1 "Now let me get this straight." Scott was completely exasperated...
Chapter 2 Dana fiddled with her napkin while she looked back and forth between the man and woman who sat across from her...
Chapter 3 Scott opened the door to Professor Xavier’s office and was mostly unsurprised to find Lilandra standing beside the...
Chapter 4 Dana woke with a pounding headache...
Chapter 5 "Who are these people?" Jean asked as they stood outside the unmarked door of a nondescript apartment building...
Chapter 6 Ororo Munroe let herself out of the plush office without visible expression. But inwardly, she heaved a sigh of relief...
Chapter 7 Sam stuffed his hands in his pockets and kicked idly at a tuft of grass, the picture of boredom...
Chapter 8 Dana straightened unconsciously at Ororo’s side as she stepped into the mansion’s living room...
Chapter 9 Dana quietly set the file she had been reading down on the desk and tipped her head back...
Chapter 10 Dana sat a short ways off to the side...
Chapter 11 Charles folded his hands carefully atop his hoverchair as the X-Men gathered around him stilled...
Chapter 12 The night sky was completely obscured by heavy clouds...
Chapter 13 "We should be able to see them...
Chapter 14 Remy closed his eyes, resting briefly while Dana struggled with the fittings on her armor...
Chapter 15 Dana stared out the windscreen of the Blackbird, feeling numb...
Chapter 16 Scott Summers opened his eyes to the harsh glare of artificial white lights...
Chapter 17 Chapter 17
Logan tensed as a crack appeared in the wall of his cell...
Chapter 18 Chapter 18
"You’re not going to find anything," Dana stated in quiet frustration...
Chapter 19 Remy woke as the bed beneath him lurched violently and began to vibrate...
Chapter 20 Chapter 20
When he was thirteen years old...