Dreams and Desires -
Written by Keri Wilson
Last updated: 01/02/2007 02:01:11 AM
Chapter 2
6 months later...
Remy looked at Rogue. That outfit she had on, Dieu, it made him excited! A emerald green off the shoulder blouse, gathered around the top. He could see down her top when she stood next to him. She was wearing a cream colored lacy strapless bra underneath, but he could see her breasts through it, even a hint of her pink nipples. The blouse was loose and long sleeved, gathered again at her wrists. She wore darker green gloves, and a just below the knee length medium green, gathered skirt, with light green stockings, and dark green cuffed ankle boots. Remy saw her stockings were not pantyhose, that they went up to mid-thigh, when she unthinking, flew after her dark green beret, because a sudden gust of wind blew it off. She also had on light green panties. He had noticed that too. He had also noticed her appreciative looks. She obviously thought his tight jeans and black shirt and cowboy boots looked good on him. They had some fun going to a country nightclub and doing some dancing. Remy had enjoyed seeing her get excited when he had pulled her real close.
Now they were back on the grounds of the mansion. Just to feel her squeeze him tight, he speed up the bike and went off the road, onto the grass. His eyes glowed and he grinned as her arms tightened around him. They bounced over the uneven ground until they reached the cove of the lake. Remy stopped the bike abruptly, in one smooth motion: he slid the bike to a stop, kicked the stand down, jumped off with Rogue in his arms, then set her down, and grinned at her. She shook her head at him, but a little smile played on her face.
Remy, she thought, yoah such a show-off. He was so charming though, and handsome! She was hopelessly in love with him. It was a relief to know he felt the same about her. For the first time in her life she felt safe to be emotionally vulnerable. She knew Remy would not hurt her, not intentionally anyways. She'd do the same for him. She knew he had a vulnerable side too. Knowing that made her feel protective toward him. It was a new sensation for her, she had never known that men were vulnerable too. She had heard about the so called "fragile male ego" but that was something she and the other X-ladies made jokes about. This vulnerability was something else entirely. She was seeing another aspect of loving someone. She never knew there was so many facets to love.
Remy took her gloved hand and they walked down to the shore. She leaned against him. This was so warm and nice. Even if they were never able to touch each other they would have this love for each other.
The light from Scott and Jean's house, the old boathouse, spilled over Remy and Rogue palely. Remy sat on the ground and pulled Rogue down onto his lap. At first Rogue gasped with surprise, but Remy just put his arms around her and she relaxed. She let her head rest against his chest. They sat like that for several minutes. Rogue let herself relax emotionally, although her heart was still beating much faster than normal. This was what frightened her most the about a relationship with Remy. His sexuality. It was so much a part of him.
Remy slowly slid his gloved fingers up Rogue's legs. He could tell by the expression on her face, she hadn't noticed yet. He wanted her to know that there were ways that a sexual relationship would be possible. He would show her, starting tonight. This was why he chose to wear the brown suede gloves. They would feel good against bare skin. He had reached the top of her stocking now. He gently stroked the bare skin of her inner thighs.
Suddenly Rogue felt Remy's fingers reaching for the elastic of her panties around one of her inner thighs. Remy said, in a very sexual voice, "Relax, cherie, dis feel real good." Rogue felt her fear rise up and she pushed his hand down, then jerked away from him in fright, saying "No!" She flew away several feet. Rogue felt terrified, both by Remy's sexuality and her own. Just that brief touching, made her want to tear all her clothes off, and let him touch her all over. Even let him- No! She wouldn't let herself even think it! She could hurt him, her absorbing power, her strength even. Then she gasped and shuddered as memories of what had happened to her in Genosha came back with a vengeance.
She quickly shut those memories off. She couldn't deal with that too, not now. She hadn't been able to deal with it yet. She hadn't been able to talk about Genosha with anyone. Not even her closest friends in the X-Men, certainly not with Logan. He had enough problems of his own, and he wouldn't have known what to say to her anyway. She just couldn't bring herself to tell Storm, even though she knew Storm would have given her lots of understanding and sympathy. It shamed her too much to tell Remy. She certainly couldn't tell anyone else. Definitely not the Professor. But she needed to talk about it and her fears to someone, someone that could give her advice. Maybe if she asked the Professor if he knew someone, preferably female, that she could talk about a psychological problem with, he would find someone. She'd say it was something that was a... female problem.
She knew the Professor well enough that he would feel uncomfortable about that kind of problem. He didn't know how to deal with that kind of problem. Surely the Professor knew someone she could talk to.
Remy watched her floating a few feet away from him. So to not frighten her he made no move toward her. He hadn't realized she was still that frightened of sexuality. He felt bad about scaring her. He hadn't meant to.
"Remy, ah'm sorry about runnin' away, ah'm just not ready foh that yet."
"I should have realized y' were still afraid, cherie. Sorry `bout scarin' y', won't do it again,`til y' ask me to, neh?"
"Okay." She flew back to him, and they walked back to his bike. She leaned her head against his back and put her arms lightly around him as they rode back to the mansion.